HME Billing Software

DMEPOS Medicare Competitive Bidding Temporary Gap Period Lapses

Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics,Orthotics, and Supplies Medicare Competitive Bidding Program: Temporary Gap Period Unless you’re a healthcare worker using durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) or are a home healthcare company, you probably have no idea what Medicare’s DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) is or how it affects…
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How Claims Audit Can Make You Sick

How To Make Your CLAIM AUDIT Look Like A Million Bucks? HME businesses face increasing numbers of pre- and post-payment audits, which can be very stressful and costly events. Without a sound strategy for maintaining accurate and retrievable documentation, an audit request can disrupt operations and put your organization at…
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How Do ERP Software Work in DME?

Medical devices are a fast-growing segment in the health care industry. The demand for devices is accelerating from two particular areas, emerging foreign markets where the devices are relatively new, and in the U.S. with its aging population. Medical devices manufacturers face unique challenges when compared to other equipment manufacturers. Not…
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